Town Hall
What is now City Hall or Municipal Palace was until the Confiscation convent of Third Franciscans, to which the church of Los Remedios also belonged.
Calle Infante Don Fernando, 70, Antequera, Málaga
Town HallPrecious heritage jewels and part of our history, palaces and stately homes are the common thread of this leisure plan suitable for children and adults.
What is now City Hall or Municipal Palace was until the Confiscation convent of Third Franciscans, to which the church of Los Remedios also belonged.
Calle Infante Don Fernando, 70, Antequera, Málaga
Town HallLocated in front of the Town Hall, this house that once belonged to the Pardo family, is one of the most beautiful civil buildings in the city as well as an example of fundamental importance within the Andalusian domestic mannerism.
Calle Infante Don Fernando, 53, Antequera, Málaga
House of the PardoThis building is one of the best preserved in Antequera. Work of the civil baroque antequerano that was ordered to be built by the first Count of Pinofiel, minister of Carlos Tercero from whom he receives the title for the services rendered to the Crown.
Tercia Street, 10, Antequera, Málaga
Casa Conde PinofielAs a whole, it is a stately mansion of medium type in which stands out, in a very special way, its very interesting cover.
Cantareros Street, 18, Antequera, Malaga
Ramirez HouseBaroque-neoclassical style house from the late eighteenth century, with frame façade with shields on the sides. The first body is more baroque; The second responds to a more neoclassical concept. Its patio, the staircase box and the plasterwork vault are elements to highlight.
Calle Cantareros, 16, Antequera, Málaga
Casa Condes de ColchadoThe Serrailler House of Antequera (1929), which is one of the last works of Aníbal González in neo-baroque style, is therefore inserted within the Sevillian focus.
Laguna Street, 3, Antequera, Málaga
House of SerraillerBaroque in style, it is the best of its kind of those that were built in Antequera. Palace ordered to be built by Don Francisco del Castillo y Fajardo, second Marquis of Villadarías, who among other titles had the title of Captain General of the Armies of His Majesty in Andalusia and Valencia.
Street Lucena, 35, Antequera, Málaga
Palaces of the Marquis of VilladaríasThe building known in Antequera as House-Museum or House of the Colarte, corresponds to a building of singular neo-Islamic style of the eighteenth century, with façade to Diego Ponce street and entrance by Maderuelos street, dedicated to museum space and residence of illustrious visitors of the Provincial Council.
Street Diego Ponce, 12, Antequera, Málaga
House of the ColarteThis building once belonged to the Tejada family, whose title was that of the barons of Sabasona, and today is the headquarters of the Romero Robledo Public School.
Calle Calzada, 8, Antequera, Málaga
House of the Baron of SabasonaPalace of the late sixteenth century, built under the canons of Mudejar and Renaissance. It is the current Carmelite College. In the historical aspect, this building is one of the most significant among those of civil character of Antequera.
Plaza de las Descalzas, 5, Antequera, Málaga
Palace of the Marquises of Peña de los EnamoradosThe Bouderé house was built by the architect Daniel Rubio in the early twentieth century. This house, of French eclecticist style, shows to the Plaza de San Sebastián its balconies, with beautiful cast iron bars.
Calle Infante Don Fernando, 2, Antequera, Málaga
Bouderé HouseThe palace of Nájera is one of the most beautiful palaces in the city. A unique example of the civil architecture of the most powerful social classes of the city, the Palacio de Nájera presides over the Plaza del Coso Viejo and is home to the Museum of the City of Antequera (MVCA).
Plaza del Coso Viejo, Antequera, Malaga
Palace of NájeraThe palace of the Marquesa de Las Escalonias is one of the most representative examples of civil architecture in Antequera and is considered one of the best preserved buildings with the typology of old palatial house in Antequera in the early seventeenth century.
Pasillas Street, 27, Antequera, Malaga
Palace of the Marquis of Las Escalonias