Taste Antequera at Il Castello.
Very good menu of pizzas, Italian dishes, meat and fish. All desserts are homemade. Those who do not like Italian restaurants have no excuse not to come here, as there are dishes for all tastes. The service was very pleasant and attentive. Parking: These are parking spaces in the large urbanization. It has excellent access for people with reduced mobility who use wheelchairs. In addition, the entire urbanization where it is located is adapted.
Email: ristoranteilcastelloantequera@gmail.com
Wifi and terrace: Yes
Accessible entrance and bathroom
We recommend: Risotto with seafood and pizzas
Price level: €-€€
Address: Remedios Tomás St., 5. Urbanization Parque Veronica
Schedule: Monday to Sunday, except Monday afternoon and Tuesday: 12.00 - 16.30 h / 19.30 - 23.30 h
Phone: 951 548 272 / 635 471 771