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Nuns of the convent of Bethlehem and Barefoot.

There are three obligatory visits when arriving at the convent church of Bethlehem on the street of the same name, in the baroque and religious neighborhood of Santiago: the Blessed Sacrament, the Virgin of Sorrows and the lathe of the sweets of the Poor Clares.

Enjoy the Bienmesabe of the Nuns of the Convent of Bethlehem and the Barefoot.

The Poor Clare nuns maintain the oldest factory that is preserved in Antequera, since its brand has been made since 1859. During the year, they make delicious oil rolls, muffins, biscuits and, above all, bienmesabe, the exquisite local dessert that gives great fame to the nuns to be sought after any day of the year.

Nun Bethlehem BIG 1


Address: C. Belén, 6, 29200 Antequera, Malaga

Schedule: Monday to Sunday: 9:30 – 13:30 / 16:00 – 18:30

Phone: 952 84 21 64