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Hermitage of Veracruz

This temple, which crowns one of the highest parts of the city, from where you can see all of it and the Vega antequerana, was built in a Renaissance style mixed with mannerist elements and small baroque details of plasterwork in some chapels.

The hermitage was built by a devotee to the Santa Vera Cruz and over time, it became the place where the Antequera brotherhoods, and especially the Brotherhood of the True Cross and Blood of Christ made their station of penance.

These would happen until the nineteenth century. From this moment, the transformation and the scarce use, as well as its abandonment, would lead the owners to cede it to the City Council at the end of the 70s, deteriorating little by little, being at the end of the 80s almost destroyed in its entirety. In 1997, the temple was rebuilt, based on the original plan and adding new bodies.


Address: C/ Cerro de la Cruz, s/n.

Phone: 952 70 25 05

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