Routes La Peña makes you fall in love.
Legend has it that Ibrahim, the warden of the castle of Archidona, had a daughter of unusual beauty, called Tagzona, whom he betrothed in marriage to the old head of the fortress of Alhama. Tagzona was in love with Hamet, (known as Tello in other versions of this legend), a young descendant of a family of Abencerrajes from Antequera. The young lovers, faced with the impossibility of living their romance, decide to flee looking for Christian territory. The lovers, being pursued by Ibrahim’s soldiers, cross the Guadalhorce and take refuge in the Peña. Faced with his imminent capture, they decide to throw themselves into the abyss by sealing their love. Since then the place takes the name of the Peña de los Enamorados.
“From the slice of the rock they threw themselves and in the air the souls left.” (Miguel Lafuente Alcántara and Agustín de Tejada versions).
If Antequera stands out for anything, it is for its monumentality and historical heritage, aspects that are preserved from Prehistory, through Los Dolmens, proposed for inscription on the World Heritage List 2015; from the Ancient Age, through the numerous vestiges and Roman villas; from the Middle Ages, through the Muslim Alcazaba; from the Modern Age, with the Renaissance Real Colegiata de Santa María or the rest of temples in which the Baroque acquired its maximum expression, such as the church of Carmen, or from the Contemporary Age itself, with numerous palatial houses or civil buildings, such as the Torcal Theater, one of the maximum representations of Art Deco in our autonomous community.
But without a doubt, if Antequera stands out for anything among all this, it is for its churches, which number 33, making it the city with the most churches per inhabitant in Spain. The privileged geographical location of Antequera, a nexus between Granada and Seville, between Cordoba and Malaga, made it a prolific place as far as the representation of religious orders is concerned, having as a direct consequence the construction of Christian temples that, beyond their religious vocation, are also true works of art, which have formed a heritage of incalculable value.
With 8,900 inhabitants and located in the Sierra Norte of the province of Malaga, Archidona is a strategic place to found a town, chosen by ancient civilizations, sheltered by the mountains of Gracia, Conjuro and Las Grajas, and for being in the natural passage that connects the cities of Granada and Seville.
Since prehistoric times, Archidona has numerous vestiges, but it was the Phoenicians in 1500 BC who began the construction of the extensive walls that were later perfected by Carthaginians, Romans and Arabs.
After the reconquest, the Christian city as we know it today began to form. In 1.901 the Villa de Archidona obtains the “Title of City”, and thanks to its splendid cultural heritage, it is declared “Historic-Artistic Site” in 1.980.
The religious orders that settle in Archidona from the sixteenth century, will play an important role in both the spiritual and cultural order. Such is the Convent of Santo Domingo founded by the Dominican monks, current School of Hospitality and 4-star Hotel, the Minimum Monks of the Church of La Victoria and the Minimum Nuns of San Francisco de Paula, who have been joined since 1757 by the Piarist Fathers after the foundation of their School.
Recognized as the 1st Wonder of the province of Malaga, we show our visitors one of the most outstanding works of the Andalusian Baroque, the Plaza Ochavada, an architectural complex of singular beauty that serves as an unparalleled setting for the events held in Archidona.
Download the complete map of the Archidona route here.
Address: Peña de los Enamorados 29200, Malaga, Antequera.